Sao Tome Investment Climate (Investment Climate, IFC, World Bank Group) | Sao Tome and Principe | Project Manager - Licensing project focused on business regulations and foreign trade. By end 2014 it introduced paperless one-stop shop bureaucracy for customs clearance and business entry. (WBG Award winning) | 2012-2014 |
Sao Tome Licensing (Investment Climate, IFC, World Bank Group) | Sao Tome and Principe | Project Manager - Regulatory guillotine program that resulted in reduction of 51% of licences and simplification of business entry and instituted regulatory impact assessment. | 2010-2012 |
Timor-Leste Investment Climate (IFC, World Bank Group) | East Timor | Leading Business Regulation component of the program, which set up a one-stop shop for business registration, cutting down bureaucracy and launched a licensing guillotine exercise. (WBG Award winning) | 2013-2014 |
Investment Climate Rapid Respo-nse (Investment Climate /IFC/WB) | Cape Verde | Leading Business Regulation component that assists government analyse the business support services and streamline business entry and licences. | 2013-2014 |
Guinea Bissau Private Sector Development (World Bank Group) | Guinea Bissau | Leading Business Regulation component, which successfully streamlined business entry and licensing. (WBG Award winning) | 2010-2012 |
Mozambique Investment Climate (IFC, World Bank Group) | Mozambique | Leading Business Regulation component, which produced the inventory of all licences, mapped the system of one-stop shops for registration and commenced the regulatory simplification. | 2010-2013 |
Burkina Faso Investment Climate (IFC, World Bank Group) | Burkina Faso | Leading Business Regulation component, which produced the inventory of all licences and commenced regulatory impact assessment and clean-up. | 2011-2014 |
AZ Business Enabling Environ-ment (IFC, World Bank Group) | Azerbaijan | Project Manager – US$5.5m program of regulatory simplification focused on business entry, tax administration and licensing. | 2008-2010 |
Implementing a Sustainable PSD Strategy – Establishing One-Stop Shop (World Bank Institute/IFC) | Tajikistan | Project Manager - Licensing project focused on business regulations and foreign trade. By end 2014 it introduced paperless one-stop shop bureaucracy for customs clearance and business entry. (WBG Award winning) | 2007-2008 |
Licensing reform at National Level (FIAS/IFC/WB) | Albania | Component lead – Mapping the existing licensing scope and permitting process and proposing a new system of their simplified issuance | 2008 |
Sub-national Competitiveness Reform project in Southeast Europe (FIAS/IFC/WB) | Serbia | Component lead – Examining business environment and establishing regulatory clean-up mechanisms. Co-ordination with national regulatory review mechanisms | 2007 |
Sub-national Competitiveness Reform project for BiH (FIAS/IFC/WB) | BiH | Component lead – Regulatory reform project building up on successes of the 2006 ‘regulatory guillotine’ review. Setting up of the registry of business formalities (licences, permits etc.), and ex-ante pilot legal assessment mechanisms. | 2007 |
Regulatory Guillotine Legal Simplification (USAID/FIAS) | BiH | Regulatory reform expert – Preparation of the regulatory review process in the area of licensing and inspection. | 2006 |
Investment Reform Index of the Investment Compact for South-East Europe (OECD) | BiH, Croatia | Regulatory reform expert – Research, measure and monitor selected reform indicators and assist the government in self-evaluating its performance. | 2006 |
Introduction of Regulatory Governance (World Bank, SIDA, Swiss Government) | Croatia, BiH, Serbia and Monteneg. | Regulatory reform expert – Introducing regulatory impact assessment (RIA) instruments into policy making and legislative drafting and demonstrating effects on business environment | 2005-2006 |
FIAS Project Development and Administrative Barriers Follow-Up (FIAS) | Southeast Europe | Regulatory reform expert – Designing the future FIAS projects tailored to the needs of the client governments in BiH, Croatia and Serbia. | 2005 |
Peer Review of Company Registration in SEE (OECD) | Southeast Europe | Regulatory reform expert – Analysing the status of company registration reform in the SEE countries and performance of the current registration systems, one-stop-shops, and review of plans for the introduction of new reforms. | 2005 |
Administrative Barriers Review–Munic-ipality of Gradiška (SEED/IFC-FIAS) | BiH | Team Leader – Assessing the administrative barriers in a pilot municipality with an aim to reduce costs to private sector. | 2004 |
Surveys of Regulatory Governance in SEE Countries (OECD) | Croatia, BiH | Regulatory reform expert – Analysis of the regulatory environment and government ability to promote business enabling environment. | 2004 |
Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Interventions and Gap Analysis (USAID) | BiH | Regulatory reform expert – In-depth analysis of the existing business environment for SMEs and presentation of the needs, gaps and priorities to government. | 2004 |
North-East Bosnia Local Government Support Activity (LGID&PADCO/USAID) | BiH | Consultant – Preparation and delivery of training to municipal officials of 10 local governments in governance; design and implementation of the local development strategies. | 2004 |
Business Environment Adjustment Credit (WB) | BiH | Regulatory reform consultant – Project implementation and assistance to the government in enhancing the business climate at the national and sub-national level: inspections, business entry. (WBG Award winning) | 2004 |
Reforms to Remove Administrative Barriers to Investment (FIAS, WB) | BiH | Regulatory reform consultant – Recommenda-tions to improving the investment climate at all governance levels in every aspect of the business cycle and assistance to setting up the institutional instruments. | 2004 |
Implementation of Self-Assessment Tools for Administrative Barriers to Investment (FIAS, WB) | Croatia | Regulatory reform consultant – Assessing the progress in good governance, legislation, and business environment reforms, and establish a functional private-public sector dialogue for new reforms. | 2004 |
S.E. Europe Conference on Self Assessment and Removal of Adminis-trative Barriers to Investment (FIAS) | BiH, SEE | Regulatory reform expert – Preparing analyses, ensuring appropriate participation and presentations at the international conference on enhancing investment climate. | 2003 |
Northern Bosnia Local Economic Development – project design & development (LGID&PADCO/USAID) | BiH | Consultant – Analysis of capacities of six municipalities to implement local governance reforms through a coming three-year institution building project. | 2002 |
Self-Assessment Tools for Administrative Barriers to Investment (FIAS, World Bank/SIDA) | BiH | Task Lead – Preparation and implementation of the Administrative and Regulatory Costs Survey and the self-analytical assessment templates with the national and sub-national governments. | 2002-2003 |
Local Economic Development Toolkit in the West-Balkans (World Bank) | Serbia, BiH | Local economic development consultant – Application of the selected local tools in implementing development strategies. | 2002 |
Business Environment Adjustment Credit (BAC)design: (PHRD, World Bank) | BiH | Task lead – Preparation of the groundbreaking adjustment operation of the WB to the governments of BiH, subject to verifiable improvement in the business climate. | 2001-2002 |
Preparation of an Economic Development Strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina (World Bank, BiH Gov’t) | BiH | Consultant – Preparing and presenting to the country authorities the inputs for the development strategy that was later upgraded and transformed into the PRSP. | 2000 |
FIAS Study on Administrative Barriers to FDI (UK DFID/IFC) | BiH | Consultant – Detailed analysis of the business environment in BiH. | 2000 |
Boris Divjak Consulting
GFA Consulting Group GmbH for GIZ | Chisinau, Moldova | Lead International Expert: Support to GIZ (German government) project in assessment of anti-corruption advocacy capacities of ~50 Moldovan NGOs and capacity development and strengthening through on-site training. | 2023 | |
Transparency International BiH | Sarajevo, BiH | Expert/Editor: Inputs into and editing of the multi-authored publication: National Integrity System in BiH analysing all the institutions directly and indirectly involved in anti-corruption work based on their legislative solution and its practical application. | 2022-2023 | |
Institute for Democracy and Mediation, IDM | Tirana, Albania | Expert: Draft the required Civil Monitoring Framework of the Integrity Plans used by the central government agencies to address integrity risks and strengthen institutions. Working with a leading national NGO that will coordinate the monitoring process. | 2021-2022 | |
Macedonian Center for International Cooperation/SELDI | Skopje, Macedonia | Evaluator: Mid-term evaluation of the project “Civil Society for Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in Southeast Europe: Capacity Building for Monitoring, Advocacy and Awareness Raising (SELDI) in 08-10/2020.End of project evaluation in 11/2022-01/2023. | 2000 & 2022 | |
UNDP Guinea Bissau/CESO CI Int’l | Guinea Bissau | Key Expert 1: Lead Partner in the Project “National study/analysis including needs assessment on the food-water-energy-health nexus investment opportunities in Guinea-Bissau in the context of Green economy/Covid-19” in mapping the ongoing support and development gaps. | 2021-2022 | |
OSCE OCEEA/EGU Unit | Vienna (home-based) | Expert supporting the OCEEA/EGU in updating the 2006 OSCE’s “Best-Practice Guide for a Positive Business and Investment Climate” with a specific focus on: climate change and risks, gender-sensitive reforms and alternative finance mechanisms. | 2020-2021 | |
Transparency International BiH and SIDA | home-based | Expert/Publication Editor in charge of preparing and writing the 20th anniversary publication of Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina that summarises its history, assesses impact and presents all key data over the 20 years history. | 2020 | |
Macedonian Centre for Int'l Cooperat./SELDI | Southeast Europe | Consultant/Evaluator - Mid-term evaluation of the project “Civil Society for Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in Southeast Europe: Capacity Building for Monitoring, Advocacy and Awareness Raising (SELDI) | 2020 | |
Transparency International BiH and USAID | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Lead Consultant/Author: Mainstreaming gender in the legal empowerment - what can legal aid centres (civil society run) do to support the most vulnerable and how can that support gender equality and equity. | 2020 | |
Transparency International BiH and SIDA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Lead Consultant/Author: Lead quantitative (public opinion poll) and qualitative (legal database) research into effects of corruption on gender in BiH, synthesise the results and compare to the global analytics on the subject. | 2019-2020 | |
OSCE | Albania | International Consultant - Midterm Review of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Government of Albania: conduct the review and prepare assessment and recommendations for the Ministry of Justice, coordinating the gov't efforts | 2019 | |
World Bank Group, Washington DC | Angola | Business regulation expert - Support the Government of Angola in streamlining the business entry procedures and introduce a uniformed online solution; conduct a review of licences to enable risk-based simplification/smart regulation. | 2018-2019 | |
European Commission, DG NEAR | Brussels, EaP countries | Key Expert - Developing SMEs in the countries of Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine): EU4Business project brings together a myriad of implementers from A2F to technical assistance to SMEs. Coordination, impact measurement and input into further policy-making and development support to EC. | 2017-2019 | |
Transparency International BiH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Key Trainer - Academy for Political Empowering of Women in BiH (in 9 cities around the country), training in leadership and gender as well as corruption and gender and how to engage across the gender roles to strengthen the rule of law | 2016-2018 | |
Embassy of Swiss Confederation, TI BiH | Sarajevo, BiH | Key Trainer - Empowering the Embassy staff in identifying corrupt practices in their daily project management and using available tools to report and process such cases. | 2017-2018 | |
Council of Europe, Mission to Azerbaijan | Baku, Azerbaijan | International Expert - Take the lead in preparing and running a 3-day train-the-trainers workshop in Baku with a diverse audience on how to structure, conduct and monitor the effects of training in anti-corruption. | 2010-2012 | |
OSCE Mission to Albania | Tirana, Albania | International Expert - Provide overall guidance and assistance to the OSCE Mission to complete a comprehensive survey of the private sector on challenges faced by businesses and their overall perception on the investment climate in the country. | 2013-2014 | |
Transparency International BiH | Sarajevo, BiH | Workshop Facilitator - Facilitated strategic retreat of Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina with an aim to establish the Strategic Implementation Plan and set up a matrix of monitoring and evaluation indicators for the new strategy document. | 2017 | |
Transparency International/ European Commission | Berlin, Germany | External Reviewer - External review for the regional report, prepared as part of the project “Strengthening National Integrity System in the Western Balkans and Turkey and tracking developments of anti-corruption efforts” | 2016 | |
Transparency International BiH | Sarajevo, BiH | Key Trainer - Anti-corruption expert trainer in the Leadership Academy for Women – preparing and delivering key training for women participants on how to lead in anti-corruption and integrity activities in challenging political environments. | 2016 | |
Embassy of Swiss Confederation, TI BiH | Sarajevo, BiH | Key Trainer - Empowering the Embassy staff in identifying corrupt practices in their daily project management and using available tools to report and process such cases. | 2017-2018 |