Selected publications

Boris Divjak Consulting

  1. Co-drafted Chapters 4 and 5 in OSCE: Developing a Positive Climate for Business and Investment: A Best Practice Guide, Vienna, 2022,
  2. Divjak (ed): Sextortion – hidden corruption. Case study Bosnia and Herzegovina, published by Transparency International BiH, Banja Luka, October 2021,
  3. Divjak: Gender and Corruption in Failed Democracies – Case study BiH, Transparency International BiH, Banja Luka, April 2020,
  4. Preparation and foreword of the (6) EU4Business Country Reports 2018 and 2019: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, published by the EU4Business Secretariat for the European Commission, Brussels, June 2018 and June 2019,
  5. ​Editor of the publication Academy for Political Empowering of Women (publication’s Foreword and editor of Gender and Corruption), Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka, February 2018,
  6. Blagovcanin, Divjak: Bosnia’s Political Economy Holds It Back And What to Do About It, Centre for Transatlantic Relations - John Hopkins University - The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC, August 2015,
  7. Dupuy, Divjak: Ebola and corruption: Overcoming critical governance challenges in a crisis situation, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Bergen, April 2015,
  8. Divjak, Pugh: The Political Economy of Corruption in BiH, a key chapter in: Bosnia-Herzegovina Since Dayton: Civic and Uncivic Values, ed. Ola Listhaug and S. Ramet, Longo Editore Ravenna and University of Bologna, December 2013, pp. 81-99
  9. Editor of Bosnia and Herzegovina National Integrity System Study 2013, Transparency International BiH, Banja Luka/Sarajevo, September 2012
  10. Task manager and editor of: Global Analysis of General Trade and Operational Licensing, IFC, Washington, March 2012,
  11. Task manager and editor of: Environmental Licensing – Global Mapping and Analysis of Environmental Regulations, IFC, Washington, November 2011,
  12. Co-author and team leader in Azerbaijan Study of Business Registration, International Finance Corporation, Baku, 2010
  13. Lead Researcher in Privatisation of State-Owned Capital in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Transparency International BiH/Open Society Fund, Sarajevo/Banja Luka, 2009
  14. Divjak: Peacebuilding and Corruption, Case study Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented on the occasion of the International workshop on Peacebuilding and Corruption, organised by Centre for International Studies, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, 22-23 March 2007
  15. Lead Researcher and Editor of the publication National Integrity System Study, Transparency International BiH/Open Society Fond, Sarajevo/Banja Luka, 2007
  16. Divjak: Peer Review of the Business Registration Process in Southeast Europe, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, April 2005
  17. Lead Researcher and Editor of the publication National Integrity System Study, Transparency International BiH/DfID, Sarajevo/Banja Luka, 2004
  18. Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina inputs in Regulatory Governance in South East European Countries: Progress and Challenges, OECD for Stability Pact for Southeast Europe, Paris, July 2004
  19. Divjak, Maljevic: Case Study Bosnia and Herzegovina, Assessment of Anti-Corruption Policies and Projects in South East Europe, Center for Policy Research, Central European University, Budapest, December 2003
  20. Divjak: West-Balkans Toolkit: Good Practices in Local Economic Development, Urban Division-Local Economic Development, World Bank, Washington, August 2002
  21. Hurtic, Divjak, Domljan, Sunje: BiH Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, prepared for the BiH Council of Ministers (World Bank Project), Sarajevo, July 2001
  22. Divjak, Domljan, Sunje: The Entrepreneurial Society – BiH Medium-Term Economic Development Strategy, prepared for the BiH Council of Ministers (World Bank project), Sarajevo, June 2001Type your paragraph here.